

Photo/Hair Fixin' Swap!

Awhile back, my friend Ashley got in touch with me and proposed a service swap.

I take their family pictures.....she will cut/color my hair {when I finally decide to cut it!}.

Um, yes please! That trade works for me!

However, I haven't really done any 'posed' photography before.  
{And taking Mitchell's pictures don't count.}

So...I did my best, and here is what you get.

The pictures were taken in their new back/front yards.  

We did lots of moving around and adjusting and twisting and more moving....because the sun was so bright.

I think I'll do better next year.  For some reason, I was nervous!

So Ashley!  Let's keep the service swap going.  I like it a LOT!



  1. What a great idea! I think the pictures turned out cute! You better post the results of the other end of the bargain once it occurs! :)

  2. Nicole you did great!!!! what a cute couple and i love the fact that you did them in there new yard. very special. they have got to be thrilled. i would be. love the one of the puppy in the frame. clever.

  3. WE LOVE THEM!!!!!!! Thanks soo much!!! I love service swapping!!! Lets get an appointment on the calendar for your hair!!! I'm so excited!!
    Thanks again!!

  4. FANTASTIC PHOTOS!! what a great deal!!!

  5. um that's a great deal! and you did a good job!
