

Farm Sweet Farm

Thanks to Instagram, I ‘met’ Contented Sparrow…and eventually found her Etsy store, and found an item I had to have. 


Isn’t it awesome?!

I actually messaged Megan on Etsy, and asked her if she had any Iowa maps, and if she could do a custom stamp job.

To my surprise and enjoyment, she messaged me pictures of SIX maps to choose from.
{I picked the colorful one.}

And, being the farmgirl that I am, and loving everything farm, I asked her to put
Farm Sweet Farm
on my map.

It’s fabulous.  I love it!

After I was finally able to get to the Post Office on Tuesday afternoon,
{after the card was left in my mailbox on Friday}
I got home and opened up the cardboard.

This is what I found inside….

map packaging

I mean, really!  I thought I could hang it on the wall just like that!

But I didn’t.  :)

I had it hanging in one stop, but then moved it to its current home.

Moving it caused me to pull a bucket of vintage hankies from my room,
and put it by my collection of glass bottles in a wire basket,
on top of a vintage suitcase.

It works.  I love it!

map frame

So, if you want a unique and custom piece of art for your home,
be sure to give Megan at Contented Sparrow a holler!

You can thank me later.  But be sure to share a picture!  :)