

Decor Ideas

With all my cleaning, throwing out, giving away, selling, purging that is going on,
I have done a little organizing and redecorating…
via Instagram and Facebook.

And it’s fun!

It all started with some washi tape.  I had no idea what to do with it.


One suggestion and donation via Instagram lead me to this:

tape holder

Now I just need to get it hung up in the craft room.


My second project started with a tool crock I have had for a few years.

tool crock

And believe it or not, I had to take out some of the tools, because there were too many!
Since I use most of them, I decided to upgrade to something different.

It was my plan to find something white and simple at Target, but I forgot when I went there.

During one of my cleaning spurts, I found a cute pail/bucket, and put it to use!

tool bucket

Yup.  I love it!

So I shared it on Instagram, which shared on Facebook.

Little Prairie Girl mentioned using a magnet on it to hold recipes.

Yup.  It works!

bucket & recipe


Yesterday, my ‘coffee table’ was bothering me, so I went to work.

I started with this:

wire basket help

I knew I wanted to use the basket and include the truck somehow,
but my mind wasn’t in the thinking mood at that point in time.

So instead, I share the picture on Instagram which shares to Facebook,
and got some great suggestions. 

~Put magazines or books in the basket and the truck on top of them.~
~Plants in the basket.~
~Wrap books in plain paper and wrap them together with fun string/twine.~

But this is what I did before most of the other ideas came in.

wire basket decor

I figured I was on a fun pail/bucket kick,
so I decided to keep it going! 

It is now the fashionable and functional home for my remotes.

I did put some magazines under the truck as well.

I thought about wrapping them in string/twine,
but I still read them!

So that didn’t happen.


But overall, what was fun about this for me was getting fantastic input from people on Instagram and Facebook.
On Instagram, I got tagged in a few pics of people sharing how they kept their kitchen tools.
I’m a visual person, so it’s great they can take a picture and share how they display, store, use their items.

I know Pinterest is a great resource,
but sometimes it’s just overwhelming with too many ideas.

Where have you found inspiration/ideas for your organizing or decorating projects?


  1. I am loving all the decorating ideas you are posting! I bet your place is really cute! One of my favorites that I want to try is the utensil bucket! So fun girl!

  2. You go girl! I am ready to move in! I love, love, love to organize with buckets! Where did you find the ribbon holder? I must have one soon!

  3. GA! brilliant!!! who'd a thunk?!
