
Color Your World

While my niece and nephews were at the farm for their visit, my mom ran out of room on her refrigerator for all of the colorings/drawings the kiddos did.

They had to spill over on to the wall by the frig.

I can't remember the last time that there was that much color in the house....probably the last time they were visiting.

But I definitely know that Grandma would prefer to have crayons, markers, colored pencils, and the completed art work all over the house over none at all.

That means her grandkids are there!  And who wouldn't want their world colored by these kids?


Jay and Gina said...

That's a great picture of all the kids! Jac really looks like Andrea! I sure wish I could have been home! But Carson gets to see me soon!

Jodee said...

Cute pictures of the kids! I love their artwork too!

Hope you have a fun and relaxing 4th of July!

Amy said...

Carson looks funny in this pic w/ the teether in his mouth!! =D
And I can't get over how much Jacqueline looks like a little Nicky girl!!

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