
Weekend Time!

This week, I haven't wrangled any kids. 

Monday night was Supper Club.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights were spent doing nothing of importance. 

Tonight...Iowa Cubs game.

Saturday morning I will be celebrating the life of my friends' son.  He had a short stay here on earth, spending it in his parents and family members arms.  But now he is enjoying his heavenly life in the arms of Jesus.
Saturday night will be a gathering (technically a bachelorette party...but nothing of the crazy sort) of some gals to celebrate the upcoming wedding of a friend.

Sunday morning...church.
Sunday afternoon...kid wrangling for an unknown number of kids.
Sunday night...connection group.

So, after having not accomplished much of anything this week, I now wonder what I was thinking.  Obviously I wasn't.  Bummer.  Oh well.  I sure did enjoy my break!

Oh yeah, the smiley face cookie....my mom and Carson brought it to me this week.  I snagged some items from a garage sale for Carson, and they came to pick them up.  Since one was an outdoor car kids ride in, I didn't really have room for it in my apartment.  So I left it in my vehicle.  Now I have my seats back and can actually use them. 

It was also great to see mom and Carson.  His parents made sure he was dressed in his Cyclone gear.  He had on a red ISU shirt, red socks, and his Cyclone hat.  But I think I'm going to have to pick up a new shirt for him.  The little dude is a monster...and the shirt was a little on the small side.  Sorry, didn't get a picture of the guy.  It was nap time, since he didn't take one earlier in the afternoon.

Have an enjoyable weekend!

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