
CWF - Day 2 - Part 1

This morning, we made our way to Mt. Vernon, VA, to see the home of George Washington. I have been there once before, but I didn't get to see as much as I saw today. When we arrived on the grounds, we took a tour of the mansion and kitchen. We then made our way past a bunch of out buildings...additional living quarters, smoke house, wash house, coach house, stables, and headed to the Wharf. This is located right along the Potomac River. It was quite nice down there. We then 'hiked' up a hill to see the Washington's tomb. Then back-tracked a bit to go see the farm. Being the Iowa farmkids that we are, we had to see the farm. (There wasn't much of anything going on at the farm. No livestock and crops that didn't look very good.) But we did make it to the 16-sided barn.

When we all got hot and wanted some air conditioning, we went in to the museum and education center. We spent about 1 hour walking around, looking at exhibits.

Most of the pictures I took are from things outdoors. Cameras are not allowed in the mansion, so no pictures from there. But I did take some off the back (front?) porch, looking out at the Potomac River. (Sorry Carl....there aren't rocking chairs there. Just a bunch of green straight back chairs hooked together. [which I did get a picture of]) But here are a few of the ones I liked best. You can find the rest here.

Tonight......Washington DC at night. And I can't wait for it!

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Oh bummer they got rid of the rocking chairs but still a pretty view! DC at night is the best! Can't wait to see pics.

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