

At the Farm: More Beans!

Time for some more beans!

The last time I was at the farm, my brother was busy planting at the family farm {previous post},
in addition to 2 custom jobs {one yet to post}.

The first custom job was just down the road from the farm.
So Lindsey, Carson, and I hopped in the Ranger and took off. 
Because of that, I just brought my camera.

So the following pictures are via iPhone & 'edited' with Instagram.

In this field, there was no room to turn around the 'normal' way, 
due to there being a deep waterway at the end of the row.

So instead of turning around forward, Adam would come to a stop,
then reverse all the way around until he was facing forward in the correct direction.

He was then lined up and ready to take off again.

When I first saw it, I thought it was genius!

{So yes, dear brother, I guess I just called you a genius!}  :)

 I wanted to get a video of it, but we didn't stick around for that to happen
after dropping supper off to Adam.

We had some cows and calves to check!

Carson was more concerned about the cows and the waterer,
then to stick around and watch dad plant beans.



1 comment:

  1. It really is crazy how handy iPhones are sometimes though!
