

Color Inspiration

Where do you find color inspiration in your life?

For me, I love color.  The more color, the better.  :)

You can usually find me wearing 2-3 different colors with each of my outfits.

But how do I come up with the color combinations?

I look at the things around me: from things I use daily, Little MissMatched socks, to flower pins, especially jewelry!, random things I come across, or just colors I really like.

At some point yesterday, I got to thinking about a lime green sweater I haven't worn in awhile.  I knew that I wanted to wear it today, but wasn't sure what to wear it with.

Last night while reading a book, I took a second look at a bookmarker I have been using for over 2 months.
{Thanks to the daughters of Sunshine in the House, I purchased a little pouch and this bookmarker that they worked together to make/sell during a benefit garage sale .)

  I knew immediately what I was going to wear. 

Here's my color inspiration....

Here it is in official clothes form.

And here it is on me. 
{Yes, I went in to the bathroom at work to use the mirror to get a picture.  That's what happens when your office mate is out of the office for a week.}

I like it....a lot!  I have worn this outfit combination before, minus the orange cami.  I have worn a light blue, a couple different purple colors, and maybe even a pink.  But the orange just pops!

If you ever get stuck in a styling/coloring rut, just look around you. 
There is so much color inspiration in this world that is just overlooked. 
And don't be afraid to be a little bold with the colors. 

God put colors in our world to enjoy!

Now, go color yourself!

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